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FJC Products R-134a Leak Sealer/Booster for High Mileage Vehicles 3oz (6 Pack) (677)
Cross Reference #:
- 1156164
- Contains 1 oz R-134a & 2 oz Leak Sealer and Booster / Anti Wear Additive
- Unique formula designed for older vehicles
- Extends the life of older R-134a systems
- Compatible with all Ester and PAG oils
- Not for use on electric or hybrid vehicles
- Self-Sealing Valve
- Capacity: 3 oz.
- Refrigerant Type: R134a
FJC Products is a manufacturer and worldwide distributor of quality automotive air conditioning parts and service accessories. FJC offers refrigerant gases and accessories, refrigerant oils, fluorescent leak detection dyes, o-rings and gaskets, and an ever-expanding array of automotive service tools and accessories.
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